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Black Leather Jacket Has White Streaks

Why Does Leather Turn White?

Causes of Leather Discoloration

Leather can turn white due to various factors, including:

Salt Damage

Leather exposed to salt (e.g., from sidewalk de-icing salts) can develop white spots or stains. Salt attracts moisture, which can penetrate the leather and create a crystalline structure.

Fungal and Bacterial Growth

Moist and humid conditions can promote the growth of fungi and bacteria, which feed on leather's organic matter. This can result in white or discolored patches on the leather surface.

Salt Bloom

Leather that has been tanned using certain chemicals (e.g., potassium alum) can develop white crystal deposits known as salt bloom. These deposits appear as a powdery substance on the leather's surface.

Salt Stain

Direct contact with concentrated salt solutions can cause permanent white stains on leather. This can occur when leather is exposed to seawater or salt-treated surfaces.

Metal Corrosion

Leather that comes into contact with metal (e.g., zippers, buttons) can develop white stains due to metal corrosion. The corrosive elements can penetrate the leather and react with its organic matter.
