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Orthodox Easter Monday 2024


Orthodox Easter 2024: A Celebration of Faith and Culture

Importance and Significance

Orthodox Easter, celebrated on May 5, 2024, holds a profound significance for adherents of the Orthodox Christian faith. This sacred day marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day, symbolizing the triumph of life over death and hope over despair.

Customs and Traditions

Orthodox Easter is a vibrant celebration characterized by centuries-old customs and traditions. One of the most poignant rituals is the Procession of the Epitaphios on Good Friday, where a bier adorned with flowers carrying the icon of the crucified Christ is carried through streets.

Holy Week Leading Up to Easter

The week leading up to Orthodox Easter, known as Holy and Great Week, is a time of solemn reflection and preparation. Each day is dedicated to specific events in the final days of Christ's life, including Holy Monday, which commemorates the betrayal of Judas Iscariot.

Easter Week Observance

Following the 40-day period of Lent, Orthodox Easter Week begins with Palm Sunday. Throughout the week, special services and prayers are held, culminating in the joyous celebration of Easter Sunday.

